Dir: Federico Martín Nistico
País: Argentina
Año: 2018
Duración: 8 min
Relato tipo folclórico sobre dos hermanas gemelas de igual nombre que fueron castigadas por decir mentiras; que habían visto, precisamente, un caballo azul brillante.
12 - 16 de junio 2024
14 al 17 de Noviembre de 2024
The international film festival, Al Este, through its three platforms in: A l’Est du Nouveau (France), Al Este de Lima (Peru) and Al Este del Plata (Argentina), maintains its commitment to the cinematographic diffusion made in the countries of Central Europe and Latin America with the main objective of promoting, exchanging and establishing a cultural dialogue between these countries.
This 2018 the international competition will take place in our three established platforms of the project. Therefore, we open the call to all producers and directors of Central and Eastern Europe, France, Peru and Argentina to send us their recent productions for the contest.
Registration form: https://goo.gl/ovgA7C
Launch of 1st international call (A l’Est du Nouveau, France):
From October 01, 2018 to December 01, 2018
Reception of registration forms: Until December 01, 2018
Selected forms announcement: December 05, 2018
Deadline for sending materials: December 15, 2018
Competition date: From February 26 to March 03, 2019
II. CATEGORIES: (Productions made in 2018)
Official Competition Al Este: Presentation of free themes feature films from Central and Eastern Europe of genre fiction, drama, comedy, bio pic and animation. In addition, it includes co-productions from different parts of the world in which one or more countries from Central and Eastern Europe participate.
Al Este World: Feature fiction films and documentaries, produced in Argentina, France and Peru, related to interculturality can be presented.
The pre-selection of works, in each category, will be carried out by the Festival selection committee integrated by the programming team and by its external advisors.
For the competitive sections, a jury formed by professionals related to filmmaking, national and international media, will be appointed. The members will be announced 10 days before the announcement of the selection. Those people who have any relationship with the production and/or exploitation of the films presented in the competition will not be able to form part of the jury.
The votes of the jury will be secret and the decisions will be taken in simple majority. A Festival representative may attend to the deliberations of the jury as an observer without the right to vote.
The jury will choose a winner and a special mention by category.
The jury’s decision is unappealable.
The members of the jury undertake not to publicly express their opinions regarding the films submitted for evaluation before the official proclamation of the prizes.
The competitive sections will also have an “Audience Award”.
Feature: Minimum duration: 50 minutes; and maximum: 140 minutes (Including credits).
Formats and materials shipping:
2.1) For the pre-selection process of the works, pre-visualization links may be sent in vimeo, youtube or another platform and must be protected with a password, which must be provided in the registration form.
2.2) Once selected, the works can be presented in DCP (See “General conditions of delivery”) without blocking ciphers. In case of not having the DCP, it can be sent in the following digital video file formats: MPG4, MOV, Quick Time or Pro res 422, with a minimum size of 7 GB without embedded subtitles.
2.3) Non-Spanish or French speaking films must have the original audio and preferably with subtitles in Spanish or French in *.srt format. If these do not exist, you must have the list of dialogues in English indicating the synchronization time (ex: 00:00:27,160 -> 00:00:28,560) and with the numbering of dialog lines. The same conditions apply to Spanish and French speaking films which must have subtitles in English or a list of synchronized dialogues.
2.4) In case of requiring the translation and subtitling by the festival, the amount of 80 USD (or its equivalent in euros) will be charged for full-length film and 40 USD (or its equivalent in euros) for short films, which will be credited to the paypal: alestff.prod@gmail.com. If only subtitling is required, only 60% of the indicated amounts will be applied.
*Check Annex: General Shipping Conditions
Exclusivity and confidentiality:
3.1) Only works that have not been released commercially in the Peruvian, Argentine or French territory, either in commercial circuits in cinemas, TV, or Online distribution will be eligible. No material that has been screened in previous editions of the festivals will be selected for the contest: Al Este de Lima, A l’Est du Nouveau, Al Este del Plata. The committee may give preference to the absolute premieres in each country.
3.2) The person in charge of the registration can present his/her work to the three festivals (Al Este de Lima, Al Este del Plata, A l’Est du Nouveau), or select that one or those that are of his/her interest in the corresponding box in the registration form.
3.3) Once the work has been selected, it can not be withdrawn from the program nor be presented in the Peruvian, Argentine or French territory (according to the call to which it is intended: if applied to the three festivals, this clause will work on the exhibition both in Argentina, France and Peru), under no modality of exhibition prior to its premiere during the festival, nor any other event during the festival’s duration dates.
3.4) The person in charge of the registration undertakes not to publicly announce his participation in the contest until after it has been disseminated by the Festival.
Ownership and Diffusion Rights:
4.1) The registration must be made by the producer of the work, who declares and recognizes him as the universal holder of the rights of dissemination and distribution of the registered works. It must also inform the due authorization and assignment of rights of the soundtrack, incidental music and all archival material included in the submitted work; in short, he admits to being solely responsible to other companies or people who have participated in the production of said materials.
4.2) The person responsible for the work registration will be the only interlocutor or may designate another person for the coordination deriving from the selection.
4.3) The selection of a work automatically implies the free transfer of the rights of commercial or non-commercial public projection of the work to the Festival to which it competes, during the period of one year from the date of registration, and with a maximum of 6 projections, in the territory of the festival and in all those where the rights of the work do not belong to an entity of the local distributor. These projections will be duly communicated by the Festival to the producer or responsible for the registration, delivering an attendance report.
4.4) The Festival will be provided with all the necessary materials for the diffusion of the work
such as: presskit, trailer, sequences, stills, promotional photographs and poster in editable version, which the festival may adapt for its communication whether digital, televised, projected or printed.
4.5) Each producer may submit up to 2 works as long as they do not participate in the same category.
Any questions or queries will be resolved within the deadlines indicated in the mail schedule: info@sf-peru.com . With the subject: Q&A-SUBMISSION-XXXXXX(film tittle).
The festival selection committee may withdraw, at any time, that audiovisual product that does not comply with any of the bases or guidelines. Likewise, the falsification of the production information or the data recorded in the registration form would mean the disqualification and exclusion of the material of the category in which it participates.
The participation implies the full knowledge and acceptance of the terms indicated in this document. If there is a conflict in the interpretation of the points touched on in this document or in those aspects not included in it, the interpretation and criteria of the organization of the festival is decisive.
All shipping costs of storage devices such as: Blu Ray, DVD, DCP / HDD, USB Pen will be covered by the producer or responsible for the registration of the work. It is suggested to consider door to door couriers.
All shipments must be declared on the commercial or proforma invoice as MERCHANDISE WITHOUT COMMERCIAL VALUE; ONLY FOR CULTURAL PURPOSES.
Likewise, the submitted materials must be declared with a value no greater than 10 USD in the commercial or proforma invoice.
The festival will not be responsible for losses, damages and other damages that may occur as a result of the shipment.
Al Este will not cover expenses of storage and customs clearance of those devices whose documents have not been presented correctly to the courier, in this case the person in charge of the inscription will assume the expenses of customs clearance.
In any case, the festival will cover expenses of return of the sent materials. If the return of physical materials is required, the person in charge must send the data and authorization to use their courier account within a maximum period of 40 days from the end of the festival, otherwise the device will be destroyed.
Digital shipments:
Digital shipments will be accepted through platforms such as Aspera, Filemail, Megashare or similar and private FTP’s.